DOI: Author: Hermann Kreutzmann Address: Institute of Geographic Sciences, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany E-mail: Language: English Issue: 1/2024 (22) Page Range: 3-26 No. of Pages: 24 Keywords: Shrinking pastoralism, rangelands, resettlement, Central Asia, tragedy of responsibility, South Asia. Abstract: Shrinking pastoral spaces are phenomena that have occurred on a global scale and in particular in mountain…
Problémy s obživou v pasteveckých oblastech vysokohorské Asie
Livelihood challenges in High Asian pastoral spaces DOI: Author: Hermann Kreutzmann Address: Institute of Geographic Sciences, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany E-mail: Language: Czech (translation from English) Issue: 1/2024 (22) Page Range: 27-50 No. of Pages: 24 Keywords: Shrinking pastoralism, rangelands, resettlement, Central Asia, tragedy of responsibility, South Asia. Abstract: Shrinking pastoral spaces are phenomena that have…
The Talyshis: An Iranian people divided by the Araxes
DOI: Author: Victoria Arakelova Address: Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Yerevan; Yerevan State University, Armenia E-mail: Language: English Issue: 1/2024 (22) Page Range: 51-70 No. of Pages: 20 Keywords: Talyshis, Iranian ethnic groups, Cultural identity, Linguistic preservation, Russian-Persian War, Azerbaijan, Iran, Assimilation, Nationalism, Socio-cultural adaptation. Abstract: This paper examines the Talyshi people, an Iranian ethnic group divided by…
Паломничество (хадж) мусульман Средней Азии до присоединения к Российской империи
The pilgrimage (hajj) of Central Asian Muslims before joining to the Russian Empire DOI: Author: Vladimir Litvinov Address: Yelets State University named after I. A. Bunin, Department of History and Historical and Cultural Heritage; Institute of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting KRSU named after B. N. Yeltsin. 399770, Russian Federation, Lipetsk region, Yelets, St. Kommunarov 28…
Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes
DOI: Author: Aleksandra Terzić Address: Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić“, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Djure Jakšića 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia E-mail: Author: Željko Bjeljac Address: Geographical Institute „Jovan Cvijić“, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Djure Jakšića 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Author: Nevena Ćurčić Address: Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Dositej Obradović Square 3,…
Female Genital Mutilation practiced by Dawoodi Bohras of Pakistan
DOI: Author: Sanchita Bhattacharya Address: Institute for Conflict Management, New Delhi, India E-mail: Language: English Issue: 1/2024 (22) Page Range: 120-134 No. of Pages: 15 Keywords: Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, Dawoodi Bohra, Pakistan, Women’s health, Religious practices, Cultural traditions, Psychological effects, Legal frameworks. Abstract: This paper examines the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) among the…
Alternative currencies, community support and social cohesion: why the Okinawan moai (模合) is closer to an informal social policy mechanism than to a standard ROSCA
DOI: Author: Abel Polese Address: Institute for International Conflict Resolution and Reconstruction, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dublin City University, Ireland Tallinn University, Estonia E-mail: Language: English Issue: 1/2024 (22) Page Range: 135-156 No. of Pages: 22 Keywords: Moai, Okinawa, Social cohesion, Alternative currencies, Informal social policies, Community support, Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs),…
The Kurds and World War II: Some Considerations for a Social History Perspective
DOI: Author: Jordi Tejel Address: University of Neuchâtel, History Department, Espace Tilo-Frey 1, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland E-mail: Language: English Issue: 2/2023 (21) Page Range: 3–17 No. of Pages: 15 Keywords: Borderlands, Contraband, Borders, Kurds, WWII, Periphery. Abstract: Scholars generally argue that during the Second World War the Middle East, and the Kurdish areas in particular, was a…
Kurdové a druhá světová válka: Několik úvah z pohledu sociálních dějin
The Kurds and World War II: Some Considerations for a Social History Perspective DOI: Author: Jordi Tejel Address: University of Neuchâtel, History Department, Espace Tilo-Frey 1, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland E-mail: Language: Czech (translation from English) Issue: 2/2023 (21) Page Range: 18–31 No. of Pages: 14 Keywords: Borderlands, Contraband, Borders, Kurds, WWII, Periphery. Abstract: Scholars generally argue that…
Theorising place and scale in the geography of religion for the 21st century: Reflections on a burgeoning field
DOI: Author: Nimrod Luz Address: Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Zemach, Emek HaYarden 15132, Israel E-mail: Language: English Issue: 2/2023 (21) Page Range: 32–61 No. of Pages: 30 Keywords: Sacred places; Geography of religion; Contested nature; Religion; Socio-political-spatial meanings; Israel; Palestine Abstract: This paper explores the contested nature of scared places as a starting point…