Compulsury military service after 1968 as citizenship education: indoctrination and ideology in narrative reflection DOI: Author: Jiří Hlaváček Address: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., Vlašská 355/9, 118 00 Praha E-mail: Language: Czech Issue: 2/2021 Page Range: 150–168 No. of Pages: 19 Keywords: army, society, ideology, oral history, interview, military, socialism, democracy Abstract: The aim of…
Štítek: socialismus
Kolektivizace venkova očima pamětníků
Jakub Veselý Provozně ekonomická fakulta ČZU v Praze, Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha-Suchdol Faculty of Economics and Management, CULS Prague, Czech Rep. Collectivisation of the countryside through the eyes of witnesses Author: Jakub Veselý Language: Czech Issue: 2/2014 Page Range: 3-17 No. of Pages: 15 Keywords: Czechoslovakia; daily life; rural collectivisation; collective memory; oral history…
Urbánně antropologická studie na příkladu urbanizace Jičína v letech 1948–1989
Zdeněk Chudoba Ústav etnologie Filosofické fakulty UK v Praze, Celetná 20, 110 00 Praha Institute of Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Czech Rep. An urban anthropological study of the urbanisation of Jičín in 1948-1989 Author: Zdeněk Chudoba Language: Czech Issue: 1/2014 Page Range: 101-116 No. of Pages: 16 Keywords: urbanization; Czechoslovakia;…
Postsocialistická transformace Uzbekistánu a její vliv na postavení žen v rámci rodiny
Ida Pětioká Geschichtspark Bärnau-Tachov, Naaber Straße 5b, D-95671 Bärnau, Germany Post-socialist transformation of Uzbekistan and its impact on the status of women within the family Author: Ida Pětioká Language: Czech Issue: 1/2013 Page Range: 45-66 No. of Pages: 22 Keywords: Uzbekistan; women; family; socialism; post-socialism; transformation Summary/Abstract: This paper explores how the position of…